On the territory of Khmelnytsky chemically dangerous enterprise integrated tactical exercises were held March 31 at

territory PP « Izyaslavmolprodukt » with personnel about ’ yektovyh emergency units and operational services district held complex tactical exercises of emergency response manmade. Fromand tactical plan, due to depressurization system compressor with liquefied ammonia leak happened hazardous chemicals, followed by evaporation. Founded cloud moving towards the residential area. Among the existing staff are affected. During regular intelligence department of the 13th State Fire and Rescue partsus set location « & raquo ;, victims were transported to their employees medsluzhby who provided medical care. Along with firefighters rescue services eliminated the accident and installed a water curtain in the direction of propagation of dangerous clouds. In turn, employees SEM and gas service disconnected electric and gas meterserezhi and sanitation district – conducted measurements of the state of the air and water. Qualify for public order limited movement in a dangerous area. Conduct studies made it possible to check the validity personnel about ’ yektovoho emergency development and operational services in the area of ??conventional liquidation of emergencySecond situations Stand ’ associated with ammonia spill. District Iziaslav sector PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnitsky region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/