In the Lviv region in Chervonograde attacker stole mobile phones and handed them to the pawnshop
Under Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, an attacker could face up to five years in prison. By Chervonograd city police department, March 4, a statement about the theft turned 20-year-old local resident. Moon said that countand it was in one of the disco-bars of the city, he stole a mobile phone worth about 1300 USD. Workers Sector CID Chervonograd CF found that the theft involved 24-year-old local resident who has been previously convicted. Stolen cell phone he passed in a pawnshop. In addition, police Sutanovyly the suspect involved in the theft of another mobile phone. In February, when he was in the gym locker room, an attacker stolen from a jacket pocket schoolgirl mobile phone worth 1400 USD, which he also passed in pawn. In criminal offenses committed by persons admitted. These facts openly criminal provadzhetion under Part 2 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides a penalty of arrest for a term of three to six months or imprisonment for up to five years or imprisonment for the same term. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region by Oksana Kozachok materials, Assistant Chief Chervonograd MBSource: