Valery Cow "Development Strategy 2020 - is only the first step, and ahead - to build a clear system of subordination of all our actions this strategic document" (+ photos)

This was stressed by the head of the field during the meeting held in RSA 30 March. "The strategy of balanced regional development Vinnitsa region for the period 2020 - a basic document and all of our documents to be prepared at all - what industry: culture, education, medicine, to be sent to it. Development Strategy - is only the first step, and ahead - to build a clear system of subordination of all our actions this document. So the work started, the next step - making StrategistAI 2020 for public discussion board, holding several roundtable discussions on this issue to the end of May to submit the document to the deputies, "- said the head of RSA. On the preparation of the strategic document developed by European standards for a period synchronized with the National Strategy for Regional busscrolls to 2020, and its main provisions in the form of presentations reported that those present Director of the Regional Economic Development Regional State Administration Oleksandr Yakubyk. He named two fundamental differences from previous strategies - involvement of the public in the development and discussion of the document and its preparation Reactive Plansmentation. The working group on strategies to bring sustainable regional development Vinnitsa region until 2020, in line with the National Strategy for Regional Development for the period 2020 included leading experts in economic sciences, heads of the departments and administration departments, representativesRegional Council deputies, business leaders, representatives of all higher educational establishments, specialists in coordinating international projects. The main strategic objectives of Vinnitsa region for the period until 2020, the following: - Ensuring the territorial integrity of the region; - Diversification of the structure of the regional economydevelopment and innovation; - Attracting investment and development of international relations; - Environmental safety area; - Development of social, cultural and tourism sector area; - Development of local government, fiscal decentralization and intergovernmental relations Alexander Yakubyk noted that the discussion submitted to the Regional Strategy -2020 mozhut be amended by 6 April 2015. Familiarize yourself with the text "Balanced Regional Development Strategy of Vinnytsia region until 2020" on the site of the regional state administration: This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
