In Vinnytsia fifty rounds of ammunition seized in police resident Khmilnyk

March 28 to 30-year-old workers Khmelnik police seized ammunition fifty caliber 5.6 mm rifled firearms. As the chief of police Vladimir Khmelnik Kanyuka, during a search authorized a 30-year resident of a rural areain police seized 50 rounds. The box of ammunition husband remained in the closet between books. According to her husband, ammunition he found last year in the village outside. The find has decided to keep. According to the expert, the cartridges are removed to combat rifled firearm caliber 5.6 mm. The purpose of storing and find out the origin of ammunition slidsTSS. Investigation Department of the police opened criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives). For the offense is punishable by imprisonment for up to 7 years. Remember that the bodies of internal affairs Vinnichiny conducted Matodes on voluntary surrender of nationals of unregistered firearms, ammunition, explosives and special funds, charged substances tear, irritating and traumatic. If you know of people who illegally retain arms and ammunition, please notify by phone 59-33-29, 59-33-22 or 102. Citizens tobrovilno turn to the police and hand over their unregistered weapons and ammunition are exempt from administrative and criminal liability. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region
