Zhytomyr: a day in the field, eliminated 12 occupied

dry grass dry windy weather that was established with the coming of spring, negatively affect the situation with fires in the area. During the day, March 27, rescuers DSNS Zhytomyr made 35 trips to the elimination of fires and their consequences. Basically, occupied failure lednationals of fire safety regulations on private land, when using open flames, burning garbage, dead in open territory, and consequently – overturning of trees on fire ’ Yani commercial buildings, houses, stocks, etc. roughage. It creates a great threat ecosystem and reckless citizens are Mayavmy incompatible with life. So, for the past day registered 19 fires in commercial buildings, 2 more due to burning straw stacks and trees ’ yanoho fence and 2 fires in private homes and in Narodychi Olevsk areas. 12 fires occurred due to ignition of dry grass ’ yanoho cover in Korostyshiv, Olevsk, Luginsky,Novohrad-Korosten, Popilnya, Zhytomyr and Malin districts. In general fire covered 18 ha. So, despite the fire situation management Management DSNS Ukraine in Zhytomyr region warns people not to use open flame in windy conditions and comply with the rules of firestion safety: burn debris safely away from buildings and structures (preferably in the garden), under close supervision, and have ready the primary means of fire. Do not make a fire in windy conditions, cell lesions should obkopuvaty small earthen wall to prevent the spread of fire in dry grass. In DSNS in Zhytomyr regionand

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/