Ivano-Frankivsk reorganization TSNP SAI
Friday, March 27, 2015, 14:21 | Please be informed that the purpose of budgetary savings, optimization of centers providing services related to the use of vehicles, by order of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine of 16.02.2015 160 decided to reduce service delivery center GAIassociated with the use of vehicles, maintenance and Kosovo Verkhovynsky areas in UGAI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Under this order, service of citizens living in Kosovo and Verkhovynsky areas will continue to be carried out SAI center providing services relatedx using vehicles, service m. Coloma, Kolomiyskogo, Horodenkivsky, Snyatynsky, Verkhovynsky and areas in Kosovo UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Address TSNP of service. Coloma, Kolomiyskogo, Horodenkivsky, Snyatynsky, Verkhovynsky and Kosovo districts. Coloma inUL. Shevchenko, 11aSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/