Zhytomyr, rescuers had public action "to prevent. Save. Help "

In order to draw public attention to issues of civil protection training people the basics of life safety and raise the prestige of investigation and search operations on March 27 m. Novograd Volyn in the territory of the city park of culture and rest Workivnyky DSNS held a public rally « Prevent. Save. Help & raquo ;. Before the event attracted representatives of government, local municipal agencies « Center for emergency medical care and disaster medicine » Zhytomyr Regional Council, media and art collectives city. By the way in the parkCSSR schools under the supervision of teachers gradually joined those who simply passed since miss such a sight was impossible. Not every day is an opportunity to put themselves on fire equipment. And if all this adult event — props, for young viewers — visual aid that can lead to anything from the game withirnykamy, fire and other hazards. As they say, better to see once than hear a hundred times. During the event students gladly tried over combat clothing acquainted with firefighters and fire and rescue equipment and rescue equipment available. In turn, employees ambulance Rose ’ yasnyuvaly and practically demonstratedand first aid. However, the real staginess for all participants was exemplary conventional fire extinguishing, which made workers DSNS. Besides clearly demonstrated how quickly and deftly cut metal structure can be mechanized tools and equipment. All participants received nadzvychaynykiv action and organizationalTori calendars and bookmarks with a logo DSNS. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/