Luck is getting ready for Easter

approaching one of the greatest Christian holidays - Easter. Traditionally, on the eve of hosts begin make order in his homes, yards and streets. Mayor Nicholas Romaniuk signed on the organization and conduct of the Easter holidays in Lutsk. Department of Housing and Utilitiesand instructed to carry out sanitary cleaning and landscaping cemetery on the streets of Rivne, Alabama, Gnidava, Chernyshevsky and the village Garazdzha establish and organize garbage. In addition, they should ensure that regulation before Easter Theatre square, street Lesya Ukrainian, Central Park of Culture and Restment Lesya Ukrainian, Park of the 900th anniversary of Lutsk. Eve must be provided thematic design city. In order to promote the Easter customs and traditions, respect for the national cultural heritage for Easter will be organized a number of activities. In particular, conducted action "Easter Paschal" whistavka contest Easter eggs "Easter egg Wonderland" holiday "Easter chimes", creative and fair presentation of the products crafts and applied arts as part of the "Art Street" charity celebrations for different categories. This was reported in Lutsk City Council
