Bolshoi opera and ballet in Moscow
Teatralnoe Art of known us with samh ancient time. Today Ono is believed to opredelennoj least statusnm, the High, pryobschenye for Kotor oznachaet in fact, the High Level kulturny person. Various teatralne zavedenyya prysutstvuyut Virtually everybody should be a less than average of morethan-garden, for example, the areaMr. centers. Topics However, in the kazhdoy the country suschestvuyut teatr, kotore javljajutsja Etalon industry, the most uvazhaemmy, avtorytetnmy and znachytelnmy centers populyaryzatsyy theatrical art. In Russia, in Moscow and rightfully so theater is believed Bolshoi opera and ballet in the center of the capital actually on the Square Teatralnoy. Way, byle In detailft in the Bolshoi Theater on the site. His History nachalas t second half of the XVIII century, t Ekateryn Seasons II. His creation prypysvayut dvum yzvestnm TIME is a personality, entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael Medoks and architect of Christian Rosenberg. In late stoletie, Due fynansovh theater pereshel problems in state coffers and have obtainedNew thy status - Ymperskoho. In techenyy XIX century theater several times stradal from Pozharova and innew otstrayvalsya for Added projects. After the October Revolution, theater innew yzmenyl for his status (something vpolne is clear), was Vmesto Ymperskoho Academic. In sovremennom video, otrestavryrovanny Bolshoi zrytely smohly lytsezret in 2002 fed on premere opera "Snehurochka" and concomitant opening of Novaya scenes. In the period 2005 to 2012 with proyshodyla Years kapytalnaya Primary reconstruction scenes, kotoraja on podschetam oboshlas government Almost 35 billion rubles. On the day sehodnyashnyy detached theater, kotorm rukovodyt Vladimir urine, vhodyat baletnaya and opernaya trupp, Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre and StsennWallis duhovoy orchestra.Source: