In Ternopil found 87 weapons from World War II

25 March at 12:00 in the village Zeblozy Kremenetskogo District during economic activities in the territory of a household found 87 artillery shells caliber 45 mm of World War II. To the scene of fireworks sent experts works councilment DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region. After a detailed examination area adjacent to the place of occurrence. All found items will be shipped explosive at a safe distance and destroyed by controlled blasting. Citizens, city ’ Yatai, explosive remnants are mortal threat. These include artilleryand shells, rockets and mines engineering, bombs, hand grenades, detonators and others. They all contain explosives and can explode from impact, friction, shock, or other mechanical influences. Explosives used in munitions, are chemical compounds of various color – from light yellow to dark brown.Even after a long stay in the water or land, these substances do not lose the ability to explode and, in some cases, after the chemical interaction with metal casing ammunition to form a new kind of very sensitive compounds. Munitions remaining undetected after World War II can be found in the water, in the woods, infield, in the garden, in the ruins of buildings during the excavation. Most often they are found in areas of former combatants. PRECAUTIONS To avoid accidents, we must remember that the appearance of ammunition from a long stay in the soil or in water varies. They are deformed by moisture, rust and the slightest touchto explode. Therefore, in the case of strangers, suspicious objects or those that superficially similar explosive remnants: * In any case can not touch them; * Please arrange fence or guard place of occurrence; * Immediately notify the department of public emergency services (phone number « 101 »), Notify the police, military authorities or other bodies of executive power; * Remove all others from the location of ammunition. Correctly and safely defuse explosive devices can only experienced professionals. In no case do not try to do this alone, because it can lead to tragic consequences.
