Heavenly Army took in their ranks another Hero of Ternopil

in Ternopil came the sad news. February 13 during shelling of the city in the Luhansk region killed Happiness fighter "Aydar" Rostislav Yakubyk was born in 1979. Soldier originally from the village Ishkiv Kozova area. His life - short. And it was an example of faithful service to his native land tand his people, because he was an active member of the square, he volunteered for the war. He died a hero - his name, like the names of thousands of brave defenders Ukrainian remembered always. In these sad days Ternopil Regional Council chairman Basil Hominets, all MPs expressed their deep sorrow and condolences to family, friendsand fellow martial Rostislav Yakubyka - Ukraine faithful son and a true patriot. Slopes head in sorrow and sincere, let us pray for his pure soul. Heroes do not die. Glory to Ukraine! Heroes glory! This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/