Ivano-Frankivsk, fire safety places of worship in the area under control of the rescue Not far off
Greatest Christian holiday – Easter, so rescuers to prevent fires in the temples edge meet with clergy. Thus, on March 24 in Kolomyia Cathedral rescuers trained with 35 priests KolomiyskyWallis Chernivtsi Diocesan administration of the Greek Catholic Church. Opening the event, Ruling Bishop Basil Ivasjuk stressed that only joint efforts of the Church and rescuers can protect from devastating fire not only churches, many of which are city ’ yatkamy architecture, but also the lives and health ’ I am faithful, so you need to make Sunis possible. Invited to the west clergy not only familiar with the basic requirements of fire safety rules on places of worship, but also heard recommendations workers in DSNS for use in the primary means of fire and ensuring their religious temples. Rescuers stressed the special vigilance on the use ofthe indoor fire and stressed that the majority of fires in the churches it happens from human carelessness or negligence. They also held briefings with ministers of the church, on the appointment responsible for compliance with fire safety regulations and bring in the proper state of electrical equipment and distributed leaflets zasterezhuyuchoho character. Notomitted rescuers and areas of concern burning dry grass on the territory of the churches and the surrounding areas, which can cause fires. It is encouraging that clerics are sensitive to such measures, aware of their importance and assured that during worship will certainly convey to the faithful this very needed background informationing. Management and DSNS in the regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/