In Rivne-rise residents to make Vovchok, 29, 10a and good Teligi Elena, 49  also want to set the heat meter In exactly

more residents of multi-storey buildings are eager to save their money to install meters and heat using city program "Construction of apartment buildings with modern pobamy metering and regulating water and heat enerhihiyi in. Exactly in the years 2014-2017 ", which was launched by the Mayor of Rivne on co-financing 50-50. - Given the fact that the implementation of this program is gaining momentum, I personally meet with residents of homes that come to us with a request to co-finance the establishment of the counters heat. That's like these days I met once in the yards of three buildings - the streets Vovchok Mark, 29, 10a and good Teligi Helen, 49. But I repeat - setting counter is extremely important and it would insulate the house. First, it really will save expensive Russian gas and feel the savings in costs. Pat second, aesthetic appearance of the building ... it is just beautiful. We decided that this strategically important program will continue to be financed as program for home insulation under any financial problems - says Vladimir Khomko. He said the current priority of local authorities in the regional center is warm all buDinka and adjust them 100 percent heat. Recall, as reported by the Department of Housing and Communal Services, currently in Rivne Through this program, the housing stock in the city already installed metering and regulating heat energy (with teplorehulyatoramy meters) at the following locations: 1 st. Y.Konovalets 12 entrance ¹1, 2; 2. Street. Caucasian, 6 entrance ¹1, 2, 3; 3. Street. Kostroma, 1 entrance ¹1, 2; 4. Street. Kostroma, 1 entrance ¹3; 5. Street. M. Strutynska 10/12; 6. Street. Kyiv, 81; 7. Street. Orlova, 36. This from the city budget was spent 270 thousand. USD. This was reported in the Rivne City Council
