The library-branch ¹10 held a theatrical production "Ukraine Churayivna"

March 26 at 15 h in the Club literary presentation "For the first time," acting in the library-branch ¹10 (Kyiv Square, 13), there will be a theatrical production "Ukraine Churayivna "works by Lina Kostenko" Mary Churai "and" Berestechko. " Directed by - club chairman Leeteraturnyh presentations "first" playwright Natalia Maksymchuk. The event is timed to the International Day of Theatre and 85 th anniversary of the birth of famous Ukrainian writer Lina Kostenko. The library will also be an exhibition and sale of paintings. The proceeds will be used to help the Ukrainian army. Admission is free. Manage mentltury City Council (723 426, 722 756, 720 447) This was reported in Lutsk City Council
