Storozhinetskiy police caught the attacker, who robbed the car Bukovinians
A resident of the village jelly man climbed into the car and stole a bag of money. The total amount of loss - 5 thousand. On the theft of his car to Storozhynetsky police department said 27-year-old resident of the village of Great Kuchuriv. To find someone whocommitted the crime, police interviewed locals detail that should be brought to and thief. They found 38-year-old resident of the village of jelly. The man confessed to the crime. As it turned out, the victim left his car on a street in the village. The attacker approached the vehicle, pulled the door. As it turned out,car was unlocked. So the man took a bag of money and fled. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A man threatens punishment of imprisonment for a term of three years. The investigation continues. A police Bukovynian advises: do not leave valuables in the car - that you claimryvertayete attention of thieves. To protect their property from thieves stiff hands should always lock the vehicle, even if you have to go away for only "minute". Also, do not need to leave valuables in cars, especially in prominent places - on the front or rear panels, seats, etc. So you are unconsciously provoke zlovmysers. Typically, in many cases, thieves prey are GPS-navigators, video, radio. From the car just "lost" bags, documents, laptops and mobile phones. Thus thieves spoil door locks, break glass, sometimes causing greater damage than the value of the stolen property. And if you witnessof how the suspect trying to sneak into the car, call to "102". Do not be indifferent, because operational posts at times increases the chances expose criminals! SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: