In Chernivtsi region one of the priorities of rescuers - awareness of the

people the purpose of information and roses ’ yasnyuvalnoyi work with citizens, education culture of safe behavior in people management staff DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region regularly hold mass agitation work in educational institutions crAi. In particular, March 24, rescuers had information Rose ’ yasnyuvalnyy West College in Chernivtsi, Lviv National Agrarian University, located in the regional center on the street. Good. &Laquo; Given the current situation in the country, everyone should have a culture of safe behavior. So much in our institutionfocus Rose ’ yasnyuvannyu Safety » &Ndash; the director of college Natalia Sorochany. The event started with that rescuers told Teaching staff and school support staff who attended the meeting, cases of possible emergency situation and the actions of the population in timeand they occur. Also, people talked about the basic precautions about the location of protective structures of civil protection in the region and act as a signal alerts « Attention all! & Raquo ;. Particular attention was paid to the rescue for dealing with explosives and suspicious objects. And for better learning, experts UPment showed teachers training videos. In addition to the educational process in the educators conducted further development ’ yasnyuvalnu and work with students, teachers handed rescuers city ’ monuments and guidelines with safety rules. Such information measures aimed at comprehensive training teachers who canto transfer this knowledge to children, action in the event of possible danger and prevent injury and loss of life during various emergencies and situations. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
