In the Lviv region in Chervonograde man robbed friend

In case of theft opened criminal proceedings under Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. By Chervonograd city police department, 20 February, a statement about the theft turned 47-year-old local resident. The man said that he drank alcohol with their productyshem at home, he stole two cell phones and jewelry. The amount of damages is more than 18 thousand. Law enforcement officials determined that the theft involved 27-year-old friend of the victim, who at the time was theft at his home and drank with him drinks. On this fact openly criminalno proceedings under Part 1, Part 2 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty under Article provides for imprisonment up to five years. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region by Oksana Kozachok materials, Assistant Chief Chervonograd MB
