In the Lviv region in Striy for theft on preventive record three teenagers were

two boys 16 and 17 years old and 17-year-old girl suspected of theft of more than 29 thousand. How to set the police, the boys to commit theft stirred friend of theirs - the daughter of the victim. By Stryisky miskviddiPolice Sta, March 3, turned 51-year-old local resident, a statement that from his apartment stole money in the amount of 29 thousand 800 UAH. As established by the police, thieves were two teenagers 16 and 17 years old. However, the investigation revealed that the commission of the crime involved 17-year-old daughter of the victim, who is studying withthem in the same school. She told friends about the secret hiding place where father hides money in that time no one was at home. In addition, she left accomplices in a specified place keys to the apartment. During this time the guys went to the business. One of them deserved in the hallway, another key opened the door, went quart?ru Parish, where stole 29 thousand 800 UAH. Money juvenile offenders distributions for three, but they did not have time to spend. "Teenagers from wealthy families, before problems with the law they were not. However, now all three will be on preventive register in the criminal police for children. Will have hope that this case will serve tothem a lesson and they will make the right conclusions from this history, "- said the first deputy head Stryisky city police department lieutenant colonel of militia Vasily Yas'ko. Juveniles guy reported suspicions of criminal offenses established in Part 3 of Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and 17-year-old girl - in the commission of Crimeainalnoho offenses established in Part 5, Article 27 (species accomplices) Part 3 of Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides for punishment of imprisonment for a term of three to six years. Olga Martsynyuk, Assistant Chief Stryisky MB
