In the Lviv region in Sambor while drinking alcohol woman intentionally injured roommate in

criminal offense committed by the suspect confessed. According to article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the woman faces up to eight years in prison. By Samborskogo city police department, March 24, acted posts by Junegovo nurses Sambor Central Hospital. A woman reported that they delivered to the 34-year-old man with stab wounds. Departure investigative team found that night, the victim drank at home with 30-year-old girlfriend drinks. Subsequently, a dispute arose between them during which the woman took the knife and struck him holovika chest. "In the criminal offense committed by the suspect confessed. Now the question of the election of her preventive measure, "- said the head Samborskogo city police department Police Major Basil Cherepuschak. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part 1 st.121 (grievous bodily harm) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Canktsiya article provides for punishment of imprisonment for a term of five to eight years. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region
