In the Univ Lavra consecrated seven cars battalion "Lions"

consecration ceremony was held on Sunday, March 22, in Svyatouspenska Univ Lavra in Peremyshlyany area. Seven cars that will soon be sent to the zone of TUs were acquired through constant close collaboration coordinator Police Battalion Patrasefficient innovation in- frastructure service special purpose "Lviv" - Rector Valery LvDUVS Wednesday and chairman of the Foundation Rostislav Miller. Participation in the consecration took 20 soldiers of the battalion "Lviv" Igor Volsky their commander, unit coordinator Valery Wednesday and instructors battalion Stepan Hnatiuk and Vladimir Tsoroh. Among those present was also the owner andvtomaysterni in. Peremyshliany Vladimir Kuleba, noting that five new cars, including two Nissan Patrol, Nissan Navara, Mitsubishi L200 and cargo van Mercedes, passed a detailed technical review and have been converted in accordance to the wishes of men. Two SUV that returned from the zone TUs were completely vidremonconvertible. It was returning from Peremyshliany to the city, the men attended Univ Holy Assumption Monastery, where the priest of the temple dedication made vehicles. In addition, the very monastery guys prayed for the health of all Ukrainian army, which now protects the territory of the state of the occupier, and put candles for the repose of souls of the deceased brothers. Fromacts of public LvDUVS, Pictures Taras Atamanova
