In the Zhytomyr region in the regional capital district police officers detained a thief police detained

residents Lyubarschyny for theft from homes residents of our city. March 23 to Zhytomyr CF MIA turned 23-year-old local resident, who said that his house stole televisions cost 3200 USD. The same day, with applicationsth abduction from his home system unit turned 24 years zhytomyryanyn. Local policeman of criminal offenses arrested 22-year-old previously convicted resident Lubarsky area, which is perfect admitted he had stolen property seized. Investigations continue into criminal proceedings, during which also will Setanovleni all the circumstances of the events. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Theft) by secret larceny punishable by a fine to imprisonment for a term of 3 years. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine in Zhytomyr region
