If Lenin was in place politicians, it has long been demolished to own monuments - historian

"Leninopad" that lasts for more than a year on the territory of Ukraine, was to take place immediately after independence in 1992. And the initiators of this phenomenon was to be power - if that time really thinking policy to build an independent Ukrainian state. Prynayleast Lenin himself, having gained power under difficult conditions, perfectly understood the importance of the monuments that can remind people of the recent past. This said doctor of historical sciences Shapoval visiting historical TV magazine « The historical truth of Vakhtang Kipiani » (Every Sunday at 22:30, Thursdays at 22:00 on Channel ZIK). &Laquo; After retance of the Bolsheviks, Lenin personally formulated a plan of monumental propaganda, – Shapoval said. &Ndash; Spring of 1918 began to demolish all the city ’ monuments to tsarist times. Lenin was perfectly aware of their importance and influence people. He was not a demagogue like some of our politicians about the city ’ monuments to Lenin said: « not we putDo – we do not bear & raquo ;. It may seem to you? If you are doing an independent Ukrainian state, then all symbols must be Ukrainian, not a past period & raquo ;. Also Shapoval told how Lenin managed to capture many Ukrainian idea of ??revolution, and plans to Ukraine was in reality. &Laquo; I must be frank: Lenin – One of the most important and major politicians of the twentieth century. Another thing is its action. But there is one indisputable: he had a purpose, which lived from early years – revolution and power – and it was hard not disdaining any means. Lenin had to overthrow the Provisional Government? So as early as July 1917 was not the best articles in defense of Ukraine than one hundredTTI Lenin. He wrote: « Let freedom Ukraine, and Ukrainian themselves determined whether they need independence or not & raquo ;. You understand that it mattered enthusiasm with which these words were perceived? & Raquo ;. In fact, according to the historian, Lenin had to Ukraine exclusively consumer attitude. So immediately after the October Revolution in Decemberudni 1917, he said off the opposite: Ukraine can forget about independence. In his letters he wrote that Ukraine – This is the bread and coal, which no one ever give. &Laquo; Contemporary Ukrainian statesmen Lenin treated exclusively as a dictator. And immediately after his death Vynnychenko wrote that genius died flospine & raquo ;, – Shapoval said. Told

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/