In the Volyn region UGAI appeal chief Vladimir Kravcheni to road users in

schools of the region began spring break. Unfortunately, this period is often characterized by an increase in the number of accidents involving children. Students often unaccompanied pass road, besides - are not always in the suntanovlenyh places. In addition, warm weather promotes that ride on roller skates and bicycles, forgetting the mandatory safety regulations. Dear parents! Take the time to remind children of the rules of the road. Clarify where, when and how to cross the road. Tell us about the dangers of games in the field next to the road. I Wear childrenskravyy clothes, since it available reflective elements to the dark period of the day drivers could see them in time. And, most importantly, serve their own example correct behavior in the streets and roads of the city. Do not break the rules and in no case allow minors to be on the front seat of a car while driving. This katehobraically prohibited. Dear drivers! Remember vigilance and attention on the road. During the school holidays is much more likely that the child suddenly appears on the carriageway of the road. For this it is necessary to strictly adhere to speed limits and advance slow down near pedestrian crossings, parks, gardens and children's squareture. Be especially careful in yards-rise buildings (your speed should not exceed 20 km / h). Feel free to once again posyhnalyty if the intention children near the road you are not clear. From this often depends on the health and safety of both pedestrians and drivers. Remember, children safety depends on each of us! Vladimir KRAVCHENYA,Head of Internal Affairs of Ukraine UGAI Volyn region
