In Lviv honor the 100th anniversary of the victory of riflemen in battle at Makivka

in 2015 expires 100 years since the victory over the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen Russian imperial army in the mountain head. Within this celebration will give a massive mountain climbing Makiyivka and other activities. Reported Lviv Regional State Administration. To celebratecity ??’ yatnoyi date in this district conducted appropriate preparations. Specifically completed restoration Memorial Cemetery (Pantheon) to the city crown, where complete replacement of crosses and landscaped area, are working with under repair ’ yiznyh routes on the mountain. This was discussed during the meeting of the Committee for the preparation andidznachennya 100th anniversary of the victory of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen on Mount crown, held on March 24, 2015 with the participation of Deputy Governor George Pidlisnyi. Also on May 3, other celebrations are planned within the celebration. In particular, the massive mountain climbing crown, of Military History theatrical performances, Mr.atriotychnyy Camp « soared to mount Makivka » and so on. In addition, a number of cultural and national-patriotic events held in Lviv region throughout the year. At the suggestion of RSA chairman Oleg Synyutka Organizing Committee decided to ask the President of Ukraine to issue a decree to celebrate the 100th anniversary MoveOIG Ukrainian Sich Riflemen on Mount head. Help. Fighting for the feet of the mountain pass during the First World War on the Eastern Front in the Carpathians between units of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian troops. From December 1914 Ukrainian Sich Riflemen survey performed service in the Carpathian Beskids. Most fierce struggle for the feet of the mountainlasted from April 29 to May 4, 1915. Austrian retreating under the pressure of Russian troops that occupied half of the mountain. Ukrainian Sich Riflemen withstood the onslaught of Russian troops and managed to keep the position. In the 1920s, members of the Ukrainian Military Organization and later the OUN started crosses fell on WallS Ukraine near the top of the central domes. Told
