In Lutsk will implement the project "Ukrainian-self-governing community standard"

Indoor TsNAPu ??for city council organized a training on "Management of public affairs, public participation - the basis of self-governing civil-standard". The event is part of the "Ukrainian self-governing public-standard" Wormsand implement the Foundation of Managerial Initiatives (Lublin, Poland) and the Association of Regional Development (Lutsk, Ukraine). Greeted the participants asked Deputy Mayor Taras Yakovlev. He said that between Lublin and Lutsk long close cooperation. Implemented a number of interesting projects in cooperation with principal Fundatsiyi managerial initiatives Pavel Prokop. Taras Yakovlev sure that the project "Ukrainian-self-governing community standard" will give the opportunity to gain new experience for city council and work out new projects. Deputy Mayor wished everyone good work and good results. Before the workshop organizers bifor the most detailed about the nature of the project and its features. President of the Association of Regional Development, City Council Anatoly Parkhomyuk noted that in the framework of the need to discuss and work out long-term measures to ensure the continued effective way of Ukraine towards systemic reforms. According to him, the events thatOur country has experienced in the past year make us more responsible attitude to what country we build. "It is nice that changes in the way we have strong support of the European community, our neighbors Poles. Poland has gone reform. Their reforms considered effective, "- he said. Anatoly Parkhomyuk noted that during dvodennoho training of employees of the city council guests from Poland will share their experiences and achievements on the way to change the country and achieve visibility in the government. According to him, should be applied in our country best practices. "We need to change, to change their mentality. We have to think about the future outlook, not only live solvingtion of case management tasks in the community or the country, "- he said. The project involves different regions of Ukraine. In Volyn attracted to him Volyn Lutsk Regional Council and the City Council. In turn, the head of the Foundation of Managerial Initiatives Paul Prokop said that the project is two years and provides for implementation of a number of measuresincluding: seminars, training, exchange of experience and more. Programs funded by the Polish-Canadian for Democracy Programme Polish cooperation in favor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development. Paul Prokop said that the aim of the project is to prepare a VProvadzhennya-self-governing public standard that is the foundation of modern management of local and regional public process based on citizen participation component. Managerial Initiatives Foundation Director said he was pleased to share experiences and best practices available. "Poland started reforming the way 25 years ago. During thisachieved a significant change. Not everything is perfect and something must change, but this is a normal process, "- he said. Paul Prokop said that the public will develop standard. According to him, under the training want to hear suggestions and work out a document to Lutsk, given its regional specificity. Paul Prokop nakedlosyv the importance of transparency in the government. According to him, it makes the country more democratic and prevents manifestations of corruption factors. Program Director Study Tour to Poland Miroslav Skurka said that the project they want to develop boosting and additions to public decision-making. ByHe said that our country on the path of change and the need to implement them effectively. He is convinced that working together public and authorities will give good results. Miroslav Skurka said that Ukrainian is the time to build a new country where everyone will feel free crowded. After the introductory words of the participants passed for workshopsb. This was reported in Lutsk City Council
