Ivano-Frankivsk region in Coloma police caught citizen who sold marijuana

In the course of search operations personnel department to combat drug trafficking Kolomiyskogo Gorotdel police caught in zbuvanni narcotics kolomyyanyna 25 years. Operatives documented fact ofI take the sale of marijuana in paper rolls in a village Kolomiyskogo area. After the crime last the vehicle back to the town and on a street he was arrested by police. During the inspection of the car and the man police found and seized drugs and cash for sales dataasobiv. Remote sent for examination in Research Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Interior region. On this fact openly criminal proceedings Part 2 st.307 "illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, storage, transport, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine predictAilleux punishment of imprisonment for a term of six to ten years with confiscation of property. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/