In the Rivne region rescuers spent practicing preventative housing sector

Since 2015 there have been 315 fires region, which found killed 16 people including 1 child. Therefore, March 23 in Rivne workers DPRZ-3 PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne testing conducted on the territory of the residential sector service FCP « Solar & raquo ;. The purpose of these vidpratsyuvan is the prevention of fires, fire protection improvement of housing and population studies of fire safety in the home. During testing, special attention was paid to rescue persons belonging to high risk groups - the elderly living alone, seven largehey, people who abuse alcohol, dysfunctional families, the disabled and those in need of social support. The abovementioned citizens handed leaflets, posters and city ’ of interest with the rules of fire safety. Also during the rescue raid drew attention to fire safety in homes — condition of wiring routesevacuation, elevator shafts, basements and more. In case of violations were shown how to fix them HCS employees, owners and other balance-homes. Rivne city district administration SU DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region appeals to all residents asking to be careful and cautious when handling fire and using atinflammation, electrical and gas appliances. Take care of your safety and that of our neighbors! In case of fire or emergency immediately call 101 or 112! Rivne city district administration SU DSNS Ukraine Rivne region
