On the safety of students during the holidays will take care Ternopil
police officers in the region, as throughout Ukraine, began preventive measures called "Vacation." Their main goal - to prevent the commission of minor administrative and criminal offenses involving them in preventing illegal activities. Operation will continue till April 5tnya. Guardians together with services for children miskrayderzhadministratsiy, of education, science and the public will identify children left without adult supervision. Check compliance with the requirements of retail legislation to prohibit the sale of alcohol to children, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. People who sell eityam alcohol or tobacco, prytyahuvatymutsya administrative responsibility for ch. 2, Art. 156 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences. Minimum Spring Break police will also check establishments that provide entertainment and catering on the restrictions stay in their childrenat night. And pay special attention to preventive work among minors. There will also be to organize interesting and useful activities for children in difficult circumstances and children of immigrants. And you, dear parents, do not be lazy to remind children the basic rules of safe behavior during the holidays. This assisalso avoid trouble and protect your child from rash actions. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/