Diseases "living corpse syndrome" Today there are a lot of
disease, kotore kosnulys many people. Most IZ Very opasn them, that is what This is disease, kotore neyzlechym Or vlekut a letalny outcomes. Pervm most rasprostranennm javljajutsja disease "syndrome living corpse." Ono prysusche people kotore ymeyut opredelenne violationsin mentality. THEY constantly zhaluyutsya in life, but in general molchat Or, sposobne for sovershenyyu suicide, ysptvayut apatyyu and depression. Second Disease, in my opinion, not less than dangerous. Ono zakljuchaetsja in volume, something pokrvayutsya puzrkamy The skin, spots and krasneet pod Impact solnechnh rays. Imagine This is How people kotore ymeyut dannoe for DiseaseAuger, vovse not su Exit the yard, when hreet sun. A third type of disease rasprostranennoy Among mankind javljaetsja disorders obostrennoy reflection. Man prospered itself properly, constantly cheho something boytsya, fixated on one and the same technical words and Too motsyonalny. Not me opasna proheryya - Disease for kotorogo typical nesootvetstvye age chelovecheskoho species. That is, old mogut vhlyadet, How malenkye Deti, and vice versa. This is henetycheskoe Disease. Deti preymuschestvenno dozhyvayut Only 13 years, after they have something uskorenne Processes aging. Syndrome Alys Field of Dreams - is nevrolohycheskoe Disease, kotoroe harakteryzuetsya yskazhennm predstavlenyyam rights atsvoem TV. People kotore boleyut dannoy illness, second vydyat Usually people animals, veschy Or Very little Or vice versa, Too more. You can often vstretyt people kotore ymeyut syndrome is reversible, that is human Body, Basically it is in charge, pokrtoe hair. Sorry, This is not the full list uzhasnh disease, not pozvolyayuschyh polnotsennolive. Let us nadeyatsya, something prydumaet Modern medicine and lekarstv from tyh diseases.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/