In Vinnytsia police organized for school trip to the museum "My land - skirts"
In early spring break Vinnytsia police organized a trip to the museum for children. Preventive work with children brings positive results - this year compared to last year by one third fewer offenses committedminors. group of pupils aged 14 to 18 years visited one of the most interesting places in Vinnitsa - Museum "My land - skirts". The children learned about the history of the land Podolsky, Vinnitsa region famous people, police officers who have died in the line of duty. Students curiously looked all exhibits and heard the story ekskursovoda. The children visited the exhibition halls, where works of masters of fine and decorative art Vinnitsa region. During the tour children acquainted with the activities and history departments of the Interior Vinnichiny: police, criminal investigation, public safety department to combat organized crimeS, investigation, district officers. Great interest was in adolescents materials on police-liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, soldiers in Afghanistan. After the end of the event children enthusiastically shared their impressions of the tour. According to the Chief of the Criminal Police Juvenile MIA Igor Powder, recreationI children is extremely important in the education of children, forming their moral values. Preventive work with children brings positive results - this year compared to last year by one third fewer crimes committed by juveniles. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa regionSource: