Volyn Regional Council supported the request svobodovtsev of illegal sand mining in the area Starovyzhevskiy

March 20, 2015 Volyn Regional Council has supported parliamentary inquiry first deputy head of the regional council Alexander Pyrozhyka to the head of Internal Affairs in the Volyn Oblast Prosecutor Peter lard and Volyn region Dmitry Chepizhaka on nesanktsionovanoho sand mining in the forest tract " Pidgirne " Starovyzhevskiy area. As Alexander Pyrozhyk, it received information from villagers Sedlysche Starovyzhevskiy District and members of the district council - that the March 11, 2015 unknown persons illegally mined and scale export of forest tracts " Pidgirne " sand. Minerals local value exported by car towards large-Kovel. Deputies Starovyzhevskiy district council on the same day reported that fact and district prosecutor launched a raid on the scene, prosecutors, police and district newspapers. Arriving in the tract, you raid participantshave revealed two diggers who dug pit. Nearby were three trucks, which are loaded sand. According to eyewitnesses, the depth career sometimes reached 6 meters and the number of selected sand point out that here are taken minerals of local significance than a dozen cars that thousands of tons. At the urging MPs paradiseBoard arrived on the scene, investigators who documented this fact, they deprived explanation assured that the matter will be a special commission. Then, as indicated by the applicants, they came Sedlyschenskyy village head Nikolai Vavryshchuk, which was in rough form pohorozhuvaty local MPs, preventing their parliamentary activities.The applicants claim that at the local level to solve this problem persists because unauthorized development career did not stop after the local police, in their view, these facts are not properly respond attract those responsible do not seem to meet. In this regard, Alexander Pyrozhyk requires: 1. Make a reverification forth facts establishing the legitimacy of occupation of land under quarry development and depth of his presence in the developer license, the scale of development, the number of exported minerals of local importance, adequacy calculations recipients sand any damages caused to local budgets and more. 2. To give legal assessmentsment actions (inaction) of officials of local governments, law enforcement agencies in case of violations of the law of Ukraine - to take steps for their immediate removal, preventing further, bringing those responsible to the law. Among those who did not support the request, was newly electedRegional Council area Starovyzhevskiy local businessman Michael Shlapay. This was reported in the press service of the Volyn Oblast PA " Freedom "

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/