In the Lviv region Mykolaiv Svoboda staged a greening of the city

Head Nikolaev regional organization VO " Freedom " Games Nadolskyy, deputy district council and Michael Galushchak mykolayevets Dmitry Ivantsiv staged a greening of the city of Nikolayev, Lviv region. Svoboda planted pine seedlings over fifty in terytoriyi near Mykolaiv District Library and the courtyard kindergarten " & quot ;. Mansion As Michael Galushchak such action landscaping for svobodovtsev is traditional. &Quot; During the last five years every spring and fall, and at times, my friends and landscaped our city. Perhaps our efforts is not too noticeable, but after yearsTwenty morning we budytymut birds, light pine povitr'yam dyhatymut more vibrant and eye myluvatymut evergreen coniferous tree & quot ;, - said svobodivets. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv regional organization VO " Freedom "
