In Ternopil no arrears of all types of state aid

As of 1 March 2015 accounting departments in the field of social protection were 76,091 different species of the recipient state social benefits. During January - February this year made charges in the amount of 199.3 million. UAH. Of the total numberstate aid to families with children received 47,171 recipient charges made on 104 900 000. USD. "The state social assistance to low-income families under the Law of Ukraine" On state social assistance to needy families "received 12,771 family including 4226 large families. In low-income families brought up in 27375 children, including large families - 15012 children. Done charges in the amount of 57.6 million. UAH. The average size of state social assistance to needy families in low-income families with many children is 2942.00 UAH ", - the Director of Social Welfare Ternopil Oblast State Administration Vadym Boyarskyy. He said the state social assistance to disabled from childhood and disabled children in the 13021 person received, including disabled children up to 18 years - 4376 of them children - disabled, the disease is associated with Chernobyl - 4, made charges on the amount of 30.2 million. UAH. Temporary state aid to children whose parents DodgeI to pay maintenance, are unable to maintain a child or their place of residence is unknown according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 22.02.2006 189 received 1486 recipients charges made 1.7 mln. UAH. Assignment of all kinds of social assistance is made to comply with applicable laws,the timing. Debt as of 03.01.2015 on payment of all types of state aid available. Monthly cash assistance to persons living with disability I or Group II due to mental disorder, which in the opinion of a panel of medical institution needs constant care, to care for him in accordance with SectionStop the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 02.08.2000 1192 as of 03.01.2015 received 1642 recipient of charges made 4.9 mln. USD. Debt on this type of assistance available. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
