In the Rivne region officials and his accomplice, who received half a million hryvnia undue advantage, a preventive measure
After reviewing the request of the investigator, the prosecution agreed Rivne region, Rivne investigating judge court 20.03.2015, issued a ruling on the application of the chairman of one of the village Exactly boardsnskoho area and his accomplice preventive measure - detention. Latest suspected of a criminal offense under Part. 4. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (obtaining undue advantage on a large scale, combined with extortion and committed by prior conspiracy). - At the same time determined by the court under the provisions of the CPCas an alternative to the listed precautions bail suspects. In particular, the village leader bail set in the amount of UAH 548 thousand, his accomplices - 109 thousand UAH - Deputy Prosecutor Andrew Borovik Rivne region. Recall village head through individual businessmen demanded and received from a citizen over pivmilyona USD for a positive decision on the allocation of the final land area of ??0.25 hectares near a body of water. Prosecutors together with OCD AMIA Ukraine in exposed both men March 17 this year when they obtain undue advantage. Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings in progress. Press sluzhba regional prosecutor's officeSource: