Interview with Champion of Ukraine on powerlifting

employees of the Main Directorate DSNS in Rivne region was taken from the 5th Open Championship of Ukraine 2015 WPAU powerlifting 5 gold medals! Among the winners were the chief of road safety Major civil defense Igor Golovko and senior fire rescue Nextst Sgt Civil Protection Alexander Dmitriev, who won tireless work of masters of sports of powerlifting in weight classes of 125 kg and 100 kg respectively. Alexander Dmitriev, received the title of champion talked Editor « Vector Security » Les Bylen. Athlete rescue shared his impressionsI am from the Championship and shared their plans for the future. -Pryvit! Looking at your physique, it seems that the first sentence of yours was “ let me post & rdquo ;! How long do you do? -Do Not so long ago (laughs). However, it should be noted that all conscious life and something I am engaged. With 14 years to 20 engaged in athletics, easy distances are not elected, so tookI heaviest on — 200-400 meters. He received Candidate Master of Sports, was even, remember Championship Ukraine among universities Spartakiads I-III. - And that was an obstacle to obtaining Master of Sports in this sport? - Does routine sad story that catches almost every other “ runner ” - Injury homilostopa. Well, certainly not in the way it was once started walking — ran to the stadium. Forced to think about changing the sport biceps rupture loins. Then, six months lying in a cast, I thought that “ Well it ... ” (Smiles). - And with a cast iron went to the gym? - No, Plaster I joined the army. There are fascinated kickboxing. 'll GetJavier home, went to the House of martial arts federation of “ Budokan ” Rostislav Sayenko to train. I walked, so there 3 years. - Oh, totally unexpected twist. Where you just were not! Is on ballroom dances) What achievements have kickboxing hvalys? - Nuu, defended the honor of Emergency Management Rivne region in 2011 in the competition among villageylovyh structures. Incidentally, 2nd place was taken in hand fighting. But I still care about martial arts, sometimes a boxing hall also to maintain shape. - As I understand about you and at the same time in the hall started to improve stamina and constitution? - In general yes, type first began to prepare for the summer, and “ zatyanulo ” (laughs). In fact, just like it. Man has herself like first of all to be “ honest with mirror ” and in harmony with its reflection. You constantly ask yourself a new bid to end testing nedoslizhdzhennya still the possibility of its own body. This constant competition with itself and its own laziness. If anyone thinks that is the??? have become accustomed over the years of training, they are fine, it's just me lazy vidshkrebty himself from the couch and carry to the gym, I say vidverto- not true! We are people too, we also sometimes weigh between rest and hall, and until the scales opt for a healthy lifestyle and a few hours of work. After all, you can crawl with reluctancein training, but there you go always nice understanding! - Hmm, you are also not terminators, which appear as !?)) I saw you in sots.merezhi on page 4 gold medals as a reward for all works. Tell which one is for what. - First, the most significant is probably — Powerlifting amateur in the weight category up to 100 kg of doping control. Tam this medal claimed 180 people. So I am afraid it (laughs). What's next? ...- And, second, it means that for at deadlift. And, yes, I am the way on caste-drawn also standard master of sports kept here. Then there was the amateur category MPF (“ Military, Police, Fire ” - approx. Editor), I took the total gold and separately for hundrednew draft. - So in general you zanyav 1 common place of all applicants fulfilled standard of master of sports of powerlifting and 4 gold. Congratulations! What is the actual total weight was lifted thee? And what have future plans connected with weightlifting? - Not enough, not much — 622 kg! And that for me is not the final sum, I am sure that crustpnoho, the more able. Plans? - Yet passed selection for the World Cup in powerlifting, venue which among 7 countries, Ukraine won by lot, so I hope to come back again to Lutsk. I hope to obtain a master of sports of international class. - Well, we wish you success, fortitude, patience and inspiration to keep working onDr. themselves at the same rate! Chief editor of "Vector Security" Les Bylen
