In the Zhytomyr region in Novograd Volyn region resident of Ivano-Frankivsk in a pedestrian accident injured

For the past day were 2 traffic accidents in which 2 people were injured. March 18 around 00.20 on 231 km of highway Kyiv-Chop driver IVECO, a resident of Ivano-Frankivsk, 1974 born, hit apedestrian who crossed the roadway road. Because pedestrian accident, a resident Novograd Volyn region, 1995 born, injured and taken to the hospital. Total employees during the last day of auction was discovered and stopped 92 traffic violations on the roads area. Arrested 12 driversfor a drive vehicles while intoxicated. Done 6 administrative protocols to drivers for exceeding speed mode UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
