In Ternopil Church wielded group of thieves
Five cases of intrusion and theft of rural churches in Ternopil happened in the last two weeks. The police thoroughly investigate every fact and suggest - can act in criminal group performers. So turn to priests and communities to take care of the security of their holy places, until the countrydiyiv not delay. The greatest temptation for thieves - money and property that has historical or material value. For example, out of the house, in the village of Old Skalat Pidvolochysky area known religious books brought two 1860 editions. With small village church Hodachkiv Ternopil region took the Gospel, dating to the early nineteenth century. BUITP and UAH Scripture stolen from the temple village Bilivtsi that Borshchiv. The police called upon to superiors and parishioners to take care of the safety of their sanctuary, until the search for suspected theft. All valuable church property at a time when there is service, hide in safe and secure place. Heads of village councils andrural communities need to be concerned about the protection of churches, especially at night, and around the clock, if the building is on the outskirts of the settlement. In the future it is necessary to consider the technical means of signaling equipment. If you notice suspicious or unknown vehicles, be sure to tell the police. Phone hourserhovyh all parts of regional departments of the Interior - 02/12/45 or 102. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil regionSource: