In the Rivne region rescuers together with the administration of the Dubno Teachers College held a special training Object
March 18 territories Dubno College of Education, under the direction of Head of Civil Protection College Valeriy Babak held special about ’ yektove training. Observers on the A trainBathrooms were employees of city district Dubno sector of the Main Directorate of State Service of the National Assembly, which provided training to participants methodological and practical assistance. During the training achieved consistency in the management of the groups, workers, students and staff in general on the activities to address emergencies Scohennoho and natural disasters. According to the results of the training set, the leadership and teacher training college students Dubno, Dubno territorial governments subsystem Unified State System of Civil Protection and pratsivnykyDerzhavnoyi emergency services are ready to execute the emergency workers,when receiving a signal to evacuate, explosion on the territory of about ’ object. Dubno MRS PG DSNS Ukraine Rivne regionSource: