Soft loans for the installation of solid fuel boilers in the amount of 836.7 thousand. UAH. 62 households benefited Vinnichiny

Loans " Sberbank " insulation in their homes totaling 180,8 thousand. UAH. got another 13 households. This was announced at a press conference at the State Administration Deputy Governor VasilyThe industry. According to him, the implementation of programs concessional lending to households with energy efficiency in 2015 is expected to direct 343.5 million. UAH. public investment. This year, the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine planned expansion of the list of activities which provided state support for populationth. Thus, the refund procedures initiated by the introduction of the population of the loan up to 30% on installation windows, purchasing energy-saving materials, installation of meters, etc., as well as compensation for 40% of loans for the purchase of energy efficient equipment and materials for condominiums. In 2015, the state will continue to supportpopulation during the transition to alternative heating, which provides 20% reimbursement of the loan to populations in " Sberbank " for the purchase of electric and solid fuel boilers. In Vinnitsa region concessional lending mechanism to establish solid fuel boilers used the 62 households in the amount of 836.7 thousand. UAH. Nayaktyvnishymy Illinetskyi are residents of the district - 10 credits Murovanokurylivetsky region and the city. Vinnitsa - 7 credits. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
