In Lviv, two juvenile robbery committed on the moon
attackers threatened with a knife and a pistol student took his mobile phone. By the Shevchenko district police, March 14, turned 21-year-old resident of the city. A man reported that at a bus stop in Lviv, two unidentified men threatened him with a knife and picenturies. demanded money from him and took his cell phone. The police found that the commission of a criminal offense involved two 17-year-old residents Pustomytovsky area. Suspects detained in order st.208 (detention authorized person) CCP Ukraine. On this fact openly criminal proceedings st.187 Part 2 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides for punishment of imprisonment for a term of seven to ten years with confiscation of property. Pre-trial investigation continues. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv regionSource: