In the Transcarpathian region expenditures from the general fund of the regional budget in January-February

expenditures of the regional budget for two months this year amounted to 126 958.3 thous., Which is 75.5 per cent. Plan for January-February 2015 and by 12.4 percent. more than the cost spent in the same period of 2014. The costs in terms of majorspending units: Department of Education, Youth and Sports RSA - 37 193.8 thous., of which the payment of labor charges - 24 172.5 thous., payment for energy and utilities - 4 586.1 thousand. USD, food - 1 826.0 thousand., scholarships - 3 753.9 thousand .; Department of Health oblderzhadministratsiyi - 65 892.7 thous., of which the payment of labor charges - 44 503.6 thous., payment for energy and utilities - 6 306.4 thousand, medicines - 8 382.6 thous., food - 3 365.1 thous., scholarships - 778.9 thousand .; Department of Social Welfare RSA - 10 397.7 thous., with Iing to pay for salaries with benefits - 5 880.9 thous., payment for energy and utilities - 1 370.4 thousand, medicines - 33.2 thousand., foodstuff - 250.4 thousand. USD; Services for Children RSA - 662.8 thous., of which the payment of labor charges - 410.6 thous., payment for energy and communelnyh services - 109.4 thousand, medicines - 5.4 thous., foodstuff - 106.6 thousand; Department of Culture RSA - 9 620.6 thous., of which the payment of labor charges - 4 303.9 thous., payment for energy and utility services - 421.6 thousand, current transfers to institutions (support four regional theatersRegional and Academic Philharmonic Chamber Choir "Cantus) - 3 810.3 thousand .; Department of Agricultural Development of Regional Administration - 1 668.2 thous., of which the payment of labor charges -1 580.6 thous., payment for energy and utility services - 21.2 thousand .; Regional Council - 695.2 thous., of which the payment to pay etc.atsi with benefits - 569.8 thous., payment for energy and utility services - 47.9 thousand .; RSA - 613.8 thous., of which the payment of labor charges - 278.0 thous., payment for energy and utility services - 11.0 thousand .; Department of Information and Communication of the State Administration- 175.7 thous., Department of Civil Protection RSA - 37.8 thousand. UAH. Department of Finance Transcarpathian Regional Administration This was reported in the Zakarpattia Oblast Administration
