The Khmelnytsky oblast administrative charges of corruption brought against chief accountant corporation
woman violated the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Combating Corruption" and allowed the conflict of interest: for two years had in his direct supervision daughter, who served as her deputy .Information from employees of the Anti-Corruption Directorate for Combating Organized Crime MIA of Ukraine in Khmelnitsky region compiled and submitted to the court record of an administrative corruption offense committed by the chief accountant of a branch of the Public Companies region. Established thatsuspected violated the requirements of the law and not reported in writing to the branch director of its existing conflict of interest, namely that within two years the direct supervision of the chief accountant worked her daughter, acting deputy. The court found the chief accountant guilty of committing an administrative pravoporushetion under Part. 1, Art. 172-7 "Violation of the requirements for the notification of conflict of interest" Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and ordered it to pay the penalty prescribed by law. If you have information about a corrupt mess, report by calling confidence OCD AMIA Ukraine in Khmelnitsky region - 69-25-54 and Gomain thing is managing to combat organized crime Ukraine - 097-220-31-16, e-mail: trust SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky regionSource: