In Khmelnytsky on the pages of the newspaper farmer thanked law enforcement agencies for the prompt disclosure of stealing cattle

Thus the director of the farm Bilohirschyny Vladimir Prokopchuk decided to thank the staff of the police station for quick opening steal two cows and most importantly - for the return of the cattle alive and unharmed. Text on Thanksgivingwater below. "From farm cattle LLC PKI" Native Land ", located in the village area Belogorskogo April unknown persons had committed the theft of two young heifers. Through organized events and proper interaction with the public law enforcement district police station in a short time was set attacker who committed this crime, and the behaviorrnuto cows in the farm. He was repeatedly convicted, unemployed 32-year-old resident of the city of Zhytomyr region Lyubar who often visited the farm in the village in April with collectors, and theft committed for easy make money. IEC Guide LLC "Native Land" expresses its gratitude to the Chief of police department BelogorskogoNicholas cradles for the organized work of subordinates and Eugene Square for a quick solve the crime. In particular, appreciate provide prevention and outreach among farm workers for administrative and criminal liability, which occurs in cases of illegal actions. " V. Prokopchuk Director of CPI "Native Land"
