Rescuers had a preventive employment among sophomores Chernihiv Lyceum intensive military and physical training
March 16 in Chernihiv high school with intensive military and physical training Management and specialists of pyrotechnic works Emergency Rescue Unit in special purpose DSNS in Chernihiv region held from druhokursnykamy preventive Rose ’ yasnyuvalni classes. Lyceum pet rescuers brought the basic requirements for action on alerts, security in emergency situations, including when possible terrorist threats and military action. Deputy Head of pyrotechnic works captain Michael civil protection Ilyev con tentof charge briefed on mock explosive devices, the consequences of careless handling, and proved the basic requirements in case of suspicious objects. Finally, rescuers showed footage of the main issues of civil protection and provide leadership Lyceum themed cards and memory ’ d points of interestTo further their placement on the notice boards in school. Management DSNS in Chernihiv regionSource: