USER sportyvnûh vitamins for athletes and people obûchnûh

organism athlete t TIME trenyrovok podverhaetsya sylneyshey load, that ýtoho obmennûe Processes uskoryayutsya, Therefore all the vitamins and minerals reserve Very soon ystoschaetsya. In order Avto vosstanovytsya and More themes in order Avto dostych good results in disputes athleteneobhodymû osobûe sportyvnûe vytamynû , where more info about them You Naidoo here. So just fyzycheskyy recreation and Basic nutrition for the athlete has not enough, need it introduces a number of biologically aktyvnûh additives for pysche. But voznykaet question, Kaki vytamynû nuzhnû athlete? Case in volume, something all Processes in the body of an athlete passNAMS bûstree and order Avto dobytsya goal. For example, in order Avto narastyt mûshechnuyu Mass, emu neobhodimo in razû bolshe vitamins, than to man, kotorûy prospered Traditional lifestyle. Any sportsman As beginner, so professyonalu mercy and know that Or How ynûe vytamynû vlyyayut on the body, How pochuvstvovat lacking in Nam. And Most chaptersing - Somehow product can vospolnyt lack of Or ynoho element. Vitamin B12 - uchastvuet in the process of protein metabolism and synthesis of amino acids, Moreover, aktyvyzyruet on metabolic Processes in the body. As an athlete chuvstvuet Only yzbûtochnuyu fatigue, can u This is svydetelstvovat of volume, something not hvataet ymenno ýtoho element.Vitamin B12 - on nazûvaetsya ryboflavyn else. Data ýelement uchastvuet in protein metabolism substances, Therefore especially for an athlete on weighted. Vitamin Soderzhytsya this at the Bolshoi Quantity in liver, yaytsah, buckwheat and ovsyanke. Vitamin H - obespechyvaet muscles and energy uchastvuet in obmennûh protsessah amino acids. If Massa PE naraschyvaetsya slowly, Yetto Can svydetelstvovat lack of ymenno ýtoho component. Sportsmen often lack vospolnyayut ego poedanyem sûrûh yayts. Vitamin B3 - vûrabatûvaetsya in the body of man himself, Therefore Contents of ego in blood bespokoytsya not necessary. Vitamin D - uchastvuet in the process usvoenyya phosphorus and calcium, Very Therefore nuzhen for the health of bones, musclesand brain. Vûrabatûvaetsya on in the body itself pod Impact solnechnûh rays, kotorûh not so many in fed Therefore lack of ego upon vospolnyat In other way. Solarium podhodyt As an alternative letnemu sun. And of the study proved, something Sportsmen, kotorûe live there, where climate Warm, prymerno on Seven percent lehche dobyvayutsya good results.Select your Wikipedia on uhlevodnûy metabolism in the body, kotorûy napryamuyu Quantity svjazana with this vitamin How B1. But grow belkovoy fabric directly proportsyonalen Quantity in blood ýelementa B6. Leader in Values ??for all the same organism ostaetsja Vitamin C, after something from him zavysyt usvoenye protein synthesis and novyh proteins. In this mainly know, something yzbûtochnûy pryem ýtoho Can cause Vitamin k is something perestanet organism itself productionodit ego. That same Most happening in the body at standard receiving steroydov - polovûe hormonû just perestayut proyzvodytsya sootvetstvuyuschymy iron. Today athletes dovolno easily podderzhyvat thy organism in the form Thanks to so something predlahayut producer of PERomnûy Choice raznoobraznûh vytamynnûh complexes for sports raznûh species and age athletes.
