In the Transcarpathian region by using a child for begging 38-year-old resident of Perechyn attract liability
Large have used their children for a living. Each pryyizdzhayuchy to Uzhgorod, would-be mother brought with them a child of seven. With kids' zarobitchanka "begged passers mercyynyu. She said that with a baby you can earn, and without it no one kopiyochky makes ... Workers Sector of criminal police for children Uzhgorod Gorotdel police found the woman at the intersection Korzo and Voloshin. Here perechynka with little sleeping baby in her arms begged alms from passers citizens. Woe mother is not a torushappened that day outside was subzero temperatures, and it was a little chilly child dressed, to put it mildly, not the season. For women, the main goal was to earn more money than the health of kids. This woman police know well. She often fell into the field of view. With "zarobitchankoyu" police repeatedlyO performed preventive talks about inadmissibility of use of young children in begging. For several months, the women were relatively compiled two administrative reports. After reviewing the court decision which offenders paid the fines. However, it is appropriate conclusions for themselves not done, the correct way and notwas, and continued to use their young children for begging. According to her, gave up nine children. Several years ago, two of them US citizens adopted. Now she brings seven children. Begging that never worked and worked. Her husband tried before and did not bring money home. So the other option it does not. Children Vikorystovuye for so you can earn, because people relate to the child with compassion and pity, so happy to give money. At the moment the question of bringing 38-year-old resident of Perechyn criminal charges for the use of a minor child for begging. Dear citizens! Do not stay indifferent. If you know the facts Thu.yahnennya minors in begging or use of a minor child for begging, please contact Uzhgorod Gorotdel police, or call "102". Dear Diana, Uzhgorod CF MIASource: