Khmelnytsky, a training seminar on "Treatment of drugs in health facilities"

The seminar was attended by head doctors provincial and municipal health care settings area, central district hospitals, centers for primary health care; those responsible for the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances etc.and precursors in health care settings; deputy chief medical officer of health care and medical work; main nurses health care settings; key staff and non-staff specialists of the Department of Health in the field: "Oncology", "Narcology", "Psychiatry", "Anesthesiology", "organizationsI inpatient care "," Organization of ambulatory care, "" General practice family medicine. " With a foreword by the participants appealed Head of Monitoring and Development of Health Department of Health Khmelnytsky Oblast State Administration LY Demchuk. Held a seminar head of legal circulation ???????Kiv Management fight against drug trafficking Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Lieutenant MIA of Ukraine V. Melnychuk, a representative of the State Service of Ukraine on Drug Control IE Stasiuk, a consultant of the International Fund "Revival", Lt. Col. AV MIA Ukraine Smith, Department of Palliative and Hospice Care NationsFaculty, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. PL PL AP Bratsyun and Director of Training Center Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Palliative Care Center of LI Andriyishyn. The main topics discussed at the meeting, it is important for our society. This legislative simplification to provide seriously ill and people with oncologistichnymy diseases analgesics drugs to get rid of their suffering in the last stages of their lives, the use of analgesics tablet form drugs, familiarization with the new legal framework on narcotic substances in the medical field as well - a task priorities, powersControl narcotic substances, providing adequate anesthesia patients through a network of pharmacies, organization and objectives of palliative care, a family physician authority to provide anesthesia, the use of morphine tablets in the treatment of chronic pain during palliative care. The purpose of seminaru was in the form of a dialogue to hear the problems on the ground to provide seriously ill analgesics drugs and solve them together, and bring to the participants of the changes in legislation that allow patients to increase the availability of necessary pain and significantly improve the delivery of hospice and palliative care. PrThis was reported in at
