Novoselytsya police caught the attacker, who stole a bike in Bukovina

persons previously convicted of one of the shops near the city Novoselytsia stole rover, which is worth thousand. The local police department requested 34-year-old resident of Novoselytsia. A man reported that unknown person near one of the city's shops and stoleth bike. At the scene immediately went investigative team. Employees of the Criminal Investigation Novoselytskyi police department found that the theft involved 38-year-old resident of the district center. We know that the attacker had already been brought to criminal liability for committing property crimes. As it turned out, the man onbike pulled up to the store. An attacker saw two-wheeled horse headed for victims. When the owner of the bike went to the store, stealing sat on the rover and chkurnuv away. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part. 2, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The attacker threatened punishment of imprisonmentup to five years. Ongoing investigation. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
