Ivano-Frankivsk presented the intensive care reform package

in Ivano-Frankivsk occurred experts and members of the public discussion on "Road Reform: How changes in legislation affect life in regions" March 12, 2015 public initiative "Emergency care reform package" presented in Ivano-Frankivsk own vision for reformingof the country. Experts have tried to explain - as decisions taken by Parliament by 100 days, affect life in the regions. One of the main problems of the society is to ensure maximum transparency in the use of funds that Ukraine receives from international financial institutions (IMF, World Bank, EU, etc.). According to experts from the public RPR Finnansiv Victor Mazyarchuka in the 2014-2016 biennium. Government should get 20 billion. United States, which then need to be returned. Therefore, the effectiveness of these tools and transparency are key issues of our time. His thoughts about the reforms in the country shared their deputies and Ivano-Frankivsk city council. So Rostislav maize have to pointin that society currently perceived ambiguously government started reforms. Planned activities actually discriminate against governments and municipalities that are economically disadvantageous geographical areas. "Those settlements in the territory of which such economic entities have a chance to get the best rates and fees fortaxes, but those villages and towns that are located on the outskirts actually left with zero "- said Rostislav corn. Overall, all panelists agreed that this country needs fundamental changes, which may occur without a dramatic effect. The government should start as soon as possible to implement the whole reform package in parallel nrovodyachy reprimanded and with the public. This was reported in Ivano-Frankivsk city council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/