Appeal to labor collectives institutions and organizations in joint ownership of villages, towns, cities, Ternopil oblast

Dear native inhabitants! From the deputies and myself would like to thank all the personnel of public institutions, organizations and institutions and any particular contribution made by you under ASCuu "Ternopil - defenders of Ukraine", which was launched Ternopil Regional Council in August last year, that contributed to raising funds for the needs of members ATO, sacrificing their own one-day earnings. Together we - members, public institutions and organizations of the regional council and the executive staff - for ourx, Ternopil soldiers who fought in the East, gathered 686 000 287 hryvnia. For these funds had purchased all the necessary applications for heads of military and law enforcement units - body armor and helmets, generators, fire extinguishers, various equipment, clothing and shoes, medicines, fuel and lubricants, the proceeds went to help the woundedand so on. For each hryvnia collected our community, the regional council has reported through the media, including on its web-site ( Moreover Day Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the eve of New Year and Christmas holidays Ternopil Regional Council delegation visited the locations of Ternopil Battalion "Zbruch." Soldiers handed - boots, heaters, thermal underwear, food, medicine, etc. totaling nearly 140 thousand. By the Ternopil militaryjoined deputy executive staff of the regional council, municipal enterprises and institutions, entrepreneurs, farmers. This year the regional budget to assist members of the parliamentary ATO allocated 2 million. 742 thousand. USD. Much respect and gratitude to you, dear native inhabitants, because together we support our countrymen that protect us from you! However, Mr.but unfortunately, the war did not go out of our land, increasing aggressor forces separatist gang transform Ukrainian towns and villages in ruins, kill our heroes and civilians. Increasingly, Ukrainian come home sad news of the loss, injury or disability. At the forefront are our sons, brothers, husbands, fathers. SchohVilino they risk their lives and health. So now, the Easter fast - time high purification, humility, good thoughts and actions encourage all of you to participate in the second phase of the action "Ternopil - defenders of Ukraine. I realize that the current economic crisis suffered by the state as a whole and each family, each person individually, often savingand for all, and counting every penny. However, I am sure that we - Christians in awe every time waiting for their most important holiday of Passover, open your soul to God and ask to fill their spiritual strength and hope. For, Easter symbolizes the victory of life over death, good over evil, light over darkness, faith - of hopelessness, a great love of bezdushnistyu. It therefore urge all of you to get involved to help our defenders - to Soldiers of Easter, that in this great day of our defenders feel that we love them, support, think and pray for them. I appeal to all groups of institutions and organizations in joint ownership of villages, towns, cities Ternopilskoyi area, the executive office to raise funds in the amount of at least one-day earnings. Our boys at the forefront require specialized vehicles, remedies, medicines, dressing materials. Wounded in battle in the area ATO should get decent medical care, physical pass, along with their families and psychological rehabilitation.This all costs money. The one-day income does not play a vital role in our budgets, and attaching it to a common cause, we can help and even save more than one soldier. I think each of us to join this noble step. prophetic words are Chornovil: "God grant us to love Ukraine above all - having tohad not bitter like her, lost. It's a great choice: either unity and victory and the path to the light or defeat, shame and again long road to freedom. " So ask the Lord for wisdom for us all unity of hearts, the association of thoughts, desires and work for the good of his native land and Ukraine, health and God's intercession for our defense, Mr.Dew spiritual rebirth and peace, so that we all need, throughout Ukraine. Sincerely Head of Ternopil VP Regional Council Hominets This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council
